Monday, March 5, 2012

The Lorax party

The kids have been asking for weeks to go see the new Lorax movie! They have always loved reading the book and when I heard about the movie coming out, I admit I couldn't wait to see it either. Last Wednesday I had a random idea to through a little Lorax party for the kids when they came home from school on Friday to get in the mood to see the movie on Saturday. So I had 48 hours to get things ready and I found lots of fun ideas on the internet. Brian and I had lots of fun making everything and the kids had even more fun playing and EATING everything we made!

Right when they walked in they saw this and were so excited!
Truffula trees, brown bar-ba-loots, humming fish, Lorax mustaches, Lorax hand puppets, truffula cupcakes

And the movie was super cute! We all loved it!

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