Thursday, July 21, 2011


Finally, after what seems like months!!, we have a computer with internet again. We are now residents of Syracuse, NY. We had a great time traveling across the country and seeing many different places but most of all we enjoyed seeing family! Brian hadn't been in Texas in a year and a half so it was very nice to be there as a family. The house we're renting here isn't quiteeee what I was hoping it'd be, but we're getting more and more used to it everyday. Of course now we're having a HUGE heat wave with temperatures in the upper 90's and not having A/C is pretty down right miserable. But really, we'll be moving here in either 10 or 11 months so I'm sure we'll survive :) I have tons and tons of pictures to post (though I unfortunately missed a few of Addy's weekly pictures which makes me sad!) so I'll start with Grayson and Quinn's preschool graduation!

Quinn's was a little more "official" since he's graduating to kindergarten but they were both very cute ceremony's. I can't believe Quinn will be starting kindergarten in the fall!!!

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